So what exactly does UHG mean? It’s probably never going to be a hashtag### or a meme or anything that trends — but it might be something that you use each and every day.




Light Language grids use sacred geometry and color to create frequencies and to communicate to the ethers what we wish to experience. Science it beginning to trickle down into everyday life concerning how we are frequency that turns into matter. I’m definitely not a quantum scientist but have read a bit about it.

The most I can offer is my own personal experiences and experiences my students, friends and colleagues have shared.

Using Light Language grids has worked for me and thousands of others around the world.

One of my favorite stories comes from several years ago, my daughter called me on the phone late at night. Her husband had a rash that was spreading, it itched like crazy. They had no clue what was causing it. On their way to the ER, she called me to send him some ‘light language’. I was half asleep and called a couple of Light Language sacred geometric shapes to go to his aura. I hung up the phone and fell back asleep (before cell phones–tee hee!).

A few minutes later she called again. They were sitting outside the ER and had decided not to go in because the rash was gone and he didn’t itch anymore. Hmmm. She declared that ‘Light Language works!’

Now, you can believe this or not, your choice. I’m offering what we call a Dictionary Grid for you today. You can print it and use it. You can just look at it and ask the Universal Healing/Health Grid or UHG to come to you or to go to someone else. It’s as simple as that.

More tomorrow! Hope your day goes smoothly! Much Light Language blessings!

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