Spring Around the Corner

The last few drifts of snow are melting and I’m watching for the robins to arrive. Each spring a ‘herd’ of robins appear all at once, at least 50 birds and sometimes 100! I call them the “Minnesota” robins because they stick around for a day or two and head further north. Our Iowa robins arrive a little later.

It’s time for myself and my light language friends to consider installing a new personal chakra grid with Light Language. When the seasons change, it’s important to have a fresh set of ‘new clothes’. This means refreshing your aura with new shapes and colors to bring in the new season.

From now until March 31st, I’m offering a half price special. I’ll write personal chakra grids, 49 shape goal grids and 144 shape mastery grids for you. I only offer this during the equinox and solstice times.

I’m excited to be able to enjoy a walk in the warmer fresh air. The birds in the back yard are singing and having a great time! Ah, the joy of spring!

Send me an email if you’re interested in a fresh Light Language grid for spring!


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