
Hi, I’m excited to be sharing information about our journey together. There is oh so much happening in our world as we move forward. I don’t claim to have all the answers but might have some guidance and insight that makes your life a little easier and brings some grace to your experiences.

I’ve worn many ‘hats’ — mother, teacher, grandmother, singer, saleswoman, massage therapist, healer, wellness coach, business owner, wife, friend, neighbor — I’m sure you’ve done the same. I do know that my connection to Source/God makes whatever hat I’m wearing easier and much more fun.

Why should you listen to me? Or better take some of your precious time to read my posts? That’s easy to answer. I’m still here despite being a ‘baby boomer’. My life journey has been varied from Weight Watchers, Brain Gym, MariEL healing, studying stones, gems and minerals, Light Language (Sacred Mayan Geometry) to following the Medical Medium. I love to look at the whole spectrum of ideas and then sift and sort. I spent 22 years as a massage therapist, hopefully rubbing people the ‘right way’, and learning so much about people and how they keep going.

I’m a teacher, have been all of my life. I love to incorporate Brain Gym, MariEL healing, and Light Language in my private sessions. My current gig is teaching piano, guitar and voice lessons to budding musicians of all ages. Spirituality is a big part of my life. I teach all over the globe via Skype about Sacred Geometry and color, with some Russian technology thrown in for good measure.

I’m focusing on writing Light Language grids for family, friends and you! This passion is magical. I’ve studied many modalities over the years and Light Language has ‘stuck’ to my soul. I use this ancient Mayan healing/manifestation practice each and every day in some form or another. I’m so grateful that I found a way to make a difference in my life, my family and my world. I have so many examples of how Light Language has improved peoples lives, please ask and I’ll share them with you.

I am a certified Light Language teacher and teacher trainer. I’ve shared Light Language classes for over 17 years, in many countries. Writing Light Language grids for people has taken a priority in my life, as people are awakening to their personal power. This ‘energy’/power can be directed specifically to reach a goal/dream/desire with the use of Light Language grids. What a gift we have at our disposal.

I live in Iowa, in a log home. Lots of flowers, wild life and weeds abound in our sacred space. I’m hoping that this website will offer you hope and more light for your journey.

Many blessings! Marcia

Cottonwood Creek, Wyoming