16 Years Teaching

I always stop and think, ‘just how many years have I been teaching Light Language classes?’. My bench mark is a lunar eclipse during November 2003. We were in our final days of Advanced Light Language with our incredible teacher, Jerry Pegden. After class several of us had gone out to eat. We stood at the window and watched the lunar eclipse and something BIG shifted, nothing I can put words to but it definitely was noticed by all of us.

In January of 2004, our class of 20 attended Light Language Teacher Training in Iowa, snow and all. There were people from Canada, the East Coast and Louisiana, plus us Iowans who just kept going through the classes together.

In February 2004, my friend and I traveled a couple hours east to teach our first Light Language class, Level I. The incredible part of this story is that 2 of the first 3 people we taught are to this day using Light Language and asking for help writing grids, and even requesting that I write some advanced grids for them.

This is part of why I love Light Language, it’s user friendly, it works and people continue to use it for many years to come!

This afternoon, I wrote some grids for a Light Language student who runs her own business. Here’s her comment from the last set of grids I wrote for her.

You Rock!


I can’t tell you how much better I feel since you updated my grid😊  The foot traffic has also improved

at the jewelry store! 

Thank you so much!


Life is full of surprises! Contact me if you’d like some Light Language grids or would like to take a Light Language class.

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