Health & Well-Being

We are very powerful creators. Many people have discovered that focusing upon something creates it’s manifestation. What ‘matters’ to you will become ‘matter’. In other words we bring to ourselves what we think about. This is true about our thoughts and our emotions. One of the biggest threats to our health and well-being is FEAR. When we dip into this big pot of worry, doubt and fear, we lower all our positive aspects.

We are living in a time where FEAR is trying to become our dominant focus. My suggestion is to shift into a state of being kind, compassionate, loving and happy!

This 144 shape Light Language grid is focused on eliminating the fear of this virus. Since 2003, I’ve watched ‘fear’ being pushed upon people with a variety of virus strains. The first one I watched being eliminated with a similar Light Language grid was SARS. Each time the threat of a pandemic was pushed, another 144 Light Language grid was written and the Swine Flu, the Bird Flu and the various numbered flues disappeared.

My point being, these sacred geometry shapes and colors eliminate the virus and that reduces the fear and the pandemic is averted. I suggest that each one of us focus upon gratitude and kindness and love and community.

May your day be filled with kindness and health and well-being.

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