Become Empowered with Light

I believe the best way for you to feel empowered is to learn how to manage your energetic life. Most people don’t know or understand that their physical body is run and managed by their energetic body.

We all need to learn how to speak to the energetic body which is made up of light.

Most ideas for energy revolve around food or coffee or coffee substitutes. Or searching for the next super food or magical herb or supplement. Don’t get me wrong, I do use food to help me and I do take herbs and supplements but I also enhance all of them with my ‘secret sauce’ which is sacred geometry and color, light language.

No one speaks about how to communicate with the energetic body. I love the information and methods from Donna Eden, Dr. Sue Morter, and others. They have great energy movements but all their techniques require physical movement. From my point of view, we need to learn how to work with energy by using light as our method, hence learning light language.

Many people are searching online ways to attract what they want, hence the Law of Attraction. There are pieces of wisdom there but The Secret didn’t bring all of them together. We give our power away to others and it’s time to recognize our own internal wisdom and power and learn how to manage it simply and easily.

We can use light language to communicate with our own personal energetic body and nature and the universe. We can tell Source/God what we want by speaking in light, learning how to write and send colored sacred geometry/light language.

Light is a free resource. I use it daily to create.

No matter what the question, love/light is the answer.

You can manage all levels, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual with light language. All your energetic bodies respond to light language.

I would love to share this with lots and lots of people. Send me a message and we’ll create a plan together.

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