
I really had to ponder what essence/grid to share today. The sun is shining but the forecast is for snow. April 16th. Snow. Let that be part of this unusual time we are living.

Some days it’s easier to be ‘accepting’ than others. Sunshine really is a major factor for me. I’ve started veggies and flowers in my mini greenhouse on the table facing our south window. They are popping up and getting ready to go outside. I know that I’ll probably have to wait another month before it’s totally safe for them to be in the ground, but I’m ready right now to be gardening, pulling weeds, planting, spreading compost and swatting bugs!

Whatever you’re irritated with, be it bugs or sheltering in place, if you can find a way to be accepting it just might make your day go a bit smoother.

Here’s a suggestion about how to use this 7 shape Light Language grid—

“Repeat the name of the essence (7 shape grid) out loud several times and notice how you feel with that concept, how your energy shifts.  Saying the ‘word’ or ‘essence’ out loud will anchor it into your field and make it available to you in an instance.  You then will have a conscious tool available at a moments notice to bring you back to center.”  

Hope you find a way to keep the ‘bugs’ at bay and enjoy this sunshine before the snow arrives!

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