Holiday Cheer

As we approach the completion of 2023, it’s time to create new patterns for 2024.

Light Language grids bring ‘light’ into your life to manifest your heart’s desires. No fuss, no mess, bringing in light and joy for you.

One of my favorite colors is fuchsia, which is the frequency of lightheartedness. Maybe it’s time to add some to your life and adventures.

Writing Light Language grids is truly one of my passions. Let’s play together and bring in the joy and happiness!

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Thanks Phil!

As we sometimes believe a groundhog can predict the future of weather and the coming of spring, usually the results remain the same. Spring arrives right on time. Somewhere in March if you live in the northern hemisphere. No matter how many seed catalogues we receive in the mail and the number of garden plans we draw, spring arrives right on time. The birds understand this so well. Maybe someday we will too!

I’m excited for Spring and I’m also excited to share with you a class that has returned the ‘spring’ to my step. My knees were injured in a serious car accident and my right leg was broken. Recovery has been steady but slow with lingering pain when I stand up and walk.

Recently I became certified to teach a class called Advanced Prisms. During the certification I received ‘light’ from the Advanced Prisms that has changed my life for the better. After 4 1/2 years I no longer have pain in my knees, both when I stand up and when I am walking. I tried to come up with words to explain what this means to me, but can only say ‘life is better!’. Without pain, I can move forward with ‘ease’ and so much more.

I have been teaching this class and continue to be amazed with the results others have been sharing with me.

If you are interested in learning more, please email me at Click here.

Here are a couple of the Advanced Prisms.


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Spring Around the Corner

The last few drifts of snow are melting and I’m watching for the robins to arrive. Each spring a ‘herd’ of robins appear all at once, at least 50 birds and sometimes 100! I call them the “Minnesota” robins because they stick around for a day or two and head further north. Our Iowa robins arrive a little later.

It’s time for myself and my light language friends to consider installing a new personal chakra grid with Light Language. When the seasons change, it’s important to have a fresh set of ‘new clothes’. This means refreshing your aura with new shapes and colors to bring in the new season.

From now until March 31st, I’m offering a half price special. I’ll write personal chakra grids, 49 shape goal grids and 144 shape mastery grids for you. I only offer this during the equinox and solstice times.

I’m excited to be able to enjoy a walk in the warmer fresh air. The birds in the back yard are singing and having a great time! Ah, the joy of spring!

Send me an email if you’re interested in a fresh Light Language grid for spring!

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Welcome to 2022

We have been in the process of redefining how we live our lives for the past two years. I am hopeful that this year gives us new opportunities to feel more connected to each other. I am very grateful for the internet and all the zoom and Skype sessions I’ve been able to attend during out ‘time out’. I have created new ways to connect and discovered new friends.

Pink Dodecahedron

A pink dodecahedron tells us that ‘everything is going to be okay’. This is a message that seems important for everyone this next year.

I’m looking forward to 2022 and sharing more Sacred Geometry and Light Language with my new friends and those I’ve yet to meet.

Many blessings for your journey this year!

Fuchsia Powerful Grace

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Blue Cylinder

I do hope that you are having a great weekend.  There is so much going on around us and sometimes it’s a bit confusing.  That’s why the ‘blue cylinder’.

A couple days ago Joan and I were driving on Highway 100 in Cedar Rapids and came to a stop light that wasn’t working.  This is a very busy by-pass and it was around lunch hour.  We both took a deep breath wondering how people were going to handle getting through the intersection.

My instinct kicked in and I began emanating blue cylinders every few seconds as each direction took a turn going through the intersection.  We watched in amazement as the ‘dance’ of cars taking turns unfolded.  No honking horns, no one going out of ‘turn’.  Just a very orderly and quick movement of traffic.  

Blue is about communication, relaxation and revitalization.  The cylinder gives you ‘understanding’ and quick movement.  Such a great experience and example of how you can use your Light Language everyday.  Wow!

September is around the corner.  Watch for my Light Language grid special.  

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